Research Documentation - Public APIs


This API provides access to current weather data and forecasts, and is free to use for small-scale projects. It allows you to get weather information for a specific location, and provides data on temperature, humidity, wind speed, and more.

OpenWeatherMap Website

Google Maps

This API allows you to integrate maps and location-based services into your application or website. It is free to use for small-scale projects, and provides access to features such as map tiles, geocoding, and directions.

Google Maps API Site

The Movie Database (TMDb)

This API provides access to information about movies and TV shows, including cast and crew information, plot summaries, and ratings. It is free to use for non-commercial projects, and allows you to search for movies by title, genre, release date, and more.

The Movie Database


These are just a few examples of publicly available APIs that are free to use, and there are many others to choose from depending on your specific needs.